What is Chainlink (LINK)? A Simple Guide for Beginners

By Hata Team

6/11/20244 min read

What is Chainlink?

Chainlink functions as a decentralized network of oracles fueled by the LINK cryptocurrency. It's among the first networks to enable the incorporation of external data into smart contracts. This means that smart contracts can now execute transactions with bank accounts and other payment networks. Chainlink also bridges the gap between smart contracts and the necessary data sources and APIs, making their operation smoother. Currently, Chainlink's ecosystem supports over 1,000 project integrations across 700 oracle networks, providing access to a vast amount of data, surpassing 1 billion data points. This infrastructure has helped secure over US$75 billion in value for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications like Synthetix, Aave, and Compound, among others.

A brief history of Chainlink

Chainlink, initiated by Sergey Nazarov and Steve Ellis in 2017, began as an oracle network project, with an Initial Coin Offering for the LINK token launched the same year. Though Chainlink functions primarily as an oracle network rather than a blockchain, plans were announced by project leaders to introduce staking for LINK holders by 2022, aimed at bolstering network security and incentivizing token holders. In April 2021, a second white paper was released, detailing plans to expand services to include off-chain computation of data, emphasizing the project's dedication to facilitating hybrid smart contracts.

How Does Chainlink Work?

Chainlink operates using oracles, which are specialized nodes that gather and confirm data from outside sources. These oracles act as information collectors, getting data from places like APIs and databases. After collecting the data, it's sent securely to the blockchain for smart contracts to use. Chainlink's system spreads out these tasks among many nodes to make sure it's reliable and secure. This helps prevent problems like data tampering or system failures. Also, Chainlink uses rewards and penalties to encourage honest behavior from the oracles and discourage bad actors.

Key Features of Chainlink


Chainlink operates on a decentralized network of nodes, ensuring resilience and trustlessness. This decentralized architecture reduces the reliance on centralized authorities and enhances the security of data transmission and verification.


Security is paramount in the world of blockchain, and Chainlink prioritizes it through various mechanisms such as cryptographic algorithms, consensus protocols, and reputation systems. By employing robust security measures, Chainlink aims to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of data exchanged between smart contracts and external sources.


Chainlink offers unparalleled flexibility by supporting a wide range of data types, formats, and sources. Whether it's financial market data, IoT sensor readings, weather forecasts, or sports scores, Chainlink can seamlessly integrate diverse datasets into smart contracts, unlocking limitless possibilities for decentralized applications (dApps).

Why does LINK have value?

LINK cryptocurrency holds value because it's essential for running smart contracts on the Chainlink network. It's the primary currency for network operations, like paying node operators for data retrieval. Additionally, smart contract creators use LINK as a deposit, which is refunded if services are not accepted or completed. Oracles, who provide data for smart contracts, also pay fees in LINK. The amount of LINK an oracle holds influences its reputation. Moreover, LINK's value is supported by its limited supply of 1 billion tokens, similar to many other cryptocurrencies.

How to buy LINK on Hata
  1. Sign Up:
    Start by registering an account on Hata. You'll need to provide some basic details and verify your identity.

  2. Deposit Funds:
    Once your account is set up, deposit funds into it. You can typically do this using USD/MYR or other cryptocurrencies supported by Hata.io.

  3. Find LINK:
    Navigate to the exchange and search for LINK.

  4. Place an Order:
    Decide on the amount of LINK you want to buy and at what price.

  5. Confirm Your Order:
    Double-check the details of your order and confirm. If everything looks good, proceed with the purchase.

  6. Wait for Your Order to Fill:
    Once you've submitted your order, the exchange will match you with a seller.

  7. Check Your Balance:
    After your order is completed, you'll see the LINK tokens in your account balance on Hata.io.

  8. Consider Security:
    If you plan to hold onto your LINK for a while, it's a good idea to transfer them to a secure wallet for extra protection.


In short, Chainlink is a groundbreaking technology that links blockchain with real-world data, fueling innovation across industries. Its decentralized system ensures security and reliability, promising a future of transparent and efficient decentralized applications. Keep an eye on Chainlink—it's shaping the future of finance and beyond.


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